Ticket merging

If you have similar tickets, you can merge them into one ticket.

You can merge tickets with different requesters — the requester and Cc of the ticket you close will be added as Cc of the ticket you merge into. The other fields like Priority, Tags, Status etc., are not merged as the ticket is closed during the merge.

To merge tickets, open the ticket you’d like to merge into another. Then click on the Merge button in the top-left menu.


In the pop-up window, enter ticket ID, title, requester, or assignee to find target ticket for merging.

Enter ticket ID

Next, you will be prompted to add a private or public closing comments to both the source and target tickets. You also have the option to copy fields from the source ticket to the target ticket and include people from the source ticket in the Cc of the target ticket.

Merge confirmation

Click ‘Merge’ when everything is ready. Keep in mind that the merge action cannot be undone.

Editing of comments